Public Participation Network (PPN)

The following is an extract from Meath PPN website

What is the PPN?

The Public Participation Network is the new way for the public to engage with the Meath County Council. Meath PPN currently has over 850 member groups from the Community & Voluntary, Social Inclusion and Environment sectors across the county.

The PPN is designed to give communities a say in how Local Government works. It gives your group the opportunity to play a part in decision making by the Council. It is a chance for your group to be better informed about the activities and services of the Council and to network with other groups in your local area, or from your sector.

The PPN…

Is the main way that the Council will consult with the public on plans, strategies, policies and services.
Is a platform for groups and organisations to develop positions on common interest and advocate for these with the Council.
Facilitates the representation and participation of the public on Council Committees, such as Strategic Policy Committees (SPC), Joint Policing Committee (JPC) and the Local Community and Development Committee (LCDC).
Provides networking opportunities and is a hub around which information is shared.

Why should your group join the PPN?

Be part of the way that the Council consult with the public on its strategies and plans.
Elect representatives to local authority policy making committees and influence what happens at these committees.
Networking – share information and ideas and learn from other groups in your area or sector.
Get information on initiatives, consultations, grants and other funding which are of interest to your group and your community.
Create a sense of solidarity and collective action across Meath
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